Saturday, May 14, 2011

They have forgotten My ways

Peter, My Eyes have grown weary watching them accusing one
another; they have laid desolate My lands and have nothing to offer My
lambs; their ways are not acceptable to Me; I have given them love and
peace; I have never taught them to judge others;

(Your Name), I rule with kindness; My Sacred Heart bleeds and lacerates;
why do they provoke Me? have I not said that anyone who claims to be
in My Light but hates his brother, is still in the dark? have they quite
understood what I meant by, “if you are bringing your offering to the
altar and suddenly remember that your brother has something against
you, leave your offering there before the altar, go and find your brother
and reconcile first with him then come back with a clear heart and
present your offering;”

By this, I meant how one should be in harmony with each other and
love each other; make peace with each other; reconcile before offering
Me your gifts in My House; child, there has never been absence of love
in My Heart nor in the hearts of My first disciples;

They have forgotten My ways, they have forgotten that I am humble,
meek and full of love; all I ask from you is love; love one another as
much as I love you; why combat in My Church? why these disputes in
My Presence, why this hatred? why all these venomous statements?
where is their holiness? why are they neglecting My garden? they are
dispersing My lambs more than ever and the few that remain will also
vanish from the fold because they have deserted them;

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